Pioneer® Seeds Products

Seed treatment stewardship is critical to the production of a healthy crop.

Seed treatments, including fungicides, insecticides, nematicides, and amendments, play a critical role in agriculture and the production of a healthy crop.

In addition to helping manage against early season pests and diseases, they deliver high levels of efficacy at reduced active ingredient usage rates compared to foliar or soil applied applications.

Seed treatment management and responsible stewardship play a vital role in sustaining our environment while maximising crop yield.

Responsible stewardship practices help maintain seed and seed treatment integrity, which keeps the active ingredient on the seed to achieve the maximum crop health benefit for the investment.

In addition, these practices help minimise the potential for adverse effects on producers and the environment, including pollinators, which may be present at the time of planting.

Pioneer's Long Look philosophy, states that we are committed to providing helpful management suggestions to our customers. The following best management practice suggestions are in the spirit of the Long Look.



  • Always read and follow the label directions and recommendations for proper handling and use of treated seed and seed treatments
  • Use personal protection equipment as recommended on the product label or seed tag
  • Follow all safety precautions as indicated on the label/seed tag
  • Transport and transfer treated seeds safely and in a manner that eliminates the risk of spill and dust


  • Always follow planter manufacturer recommendations and avoid excess use of talc and graphite
  • Be aware of the environment in and around your field, taking note of nearby hives and flowering plants and weeds, which could be attractive to pollinators
  • Limit dust movement from seed packages containing seed treatment. For example, consider factors such as wind speed and direction, and avoid shaking the bottom of the treated seed bag when filling planting equipment
  • Avoid transferring treated seed next to active hives, at field margins, and adjacent to flowering plants and vegetation
  • For pneumatic planters, direct the exhaust toward the soil surface
  • Ensure all seeds are planted/incorporated into the soil at proper planting depth
  • Follow labeled requirement for disposal/use of unused seed

Disposal and cleanup

  • Properly dispose of seed packaging/containers in accordance with state and local regulations and container return policy
  • Clean planting equipment in a manner that minimises dust
  • Avoid cleaning planting equipment next to active hives, at field margins and adjacent to flowering plants and vegetation


Your Seed is backed by
local experience

With dedicated and highly skilled team members located throughout Australia you can be sure of accessing the best local knowledge to help you maximise your investment in Pioneer® brand hybrid seed. Get in touch with your local Territory Sales Manager or Farm Services Consultant today.

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